Fermeture estivale de l’UFR : du 22 juillet au 26 août 2024 inclus. 
🔗Infos rentrée 2024

Scholarships for foreign students in France

Scholarships for international students

French public institutions and the Erasmus+ program offer numerous scholarships to foreign students to help them finance their studies in France and Europe.

The Campus Bourses website lists all of the assistance provided by the States (French and foreign), regional authorities, companies, foundations and institutes of higher education. Filter your search by nationality, field and level of studies to find the assistance that corresponds to your profile.

More information: campusfrance.org/en/bursaries-foreign-students // http://campusbourses.campusfrance.org/fria/bourse/#/catalog

Victor Hugo Scholarship

The Victor Hugo Scholarship is a scheme created by the UFC, with the financial support of the City of Besançon and the Franche-Comté Region, which aims to encourage academic exchanges with Latin America (Central America, South America and the Caribbean, Spanish and Portuguese speaking) and Haiti. The aim is to allow students benefiting from this scholarship to study for one year at the University of Franche-Comté in a master’s or doctoral program.

The Victor Hugo scholarship covers
-the cost of enrolment at the University,
-accommodation in a single room (with shower and toilet) in a university residence,
-two meals a day at the university restaurant,
-an Internet subscription to the residence for 12 months,
-as well as intensive training in French for two months (July and August) at the CLA – Centre de Linguistique Appliquée de l’Université de Franche-Comté (http://cla.univ-fcomte.fr/).

To know more about it:

Financial aid for accomodation

As with French students, you may qualify for student accommodation financial aid from the CAF (Caisse d’allocations familiales – Family Benefits Agency).

More information:  caf.fr/allocataires/droits-et-prestations/s-informer-sur-les-aides/logement-et-cadre-de-vie/les-aides-personnelles-au-logement 

Specific aid

Whether you are on a scholarship or not, housed in a university residence or not, the Crous Bourgogne-Franche-Comté offers financial aid (annual or one-off) for students who are experiencing serious difficulties.

To benefit from this, make an appointment with the Crous social service on the platform mesrdv.etudiant.gouv.fr.

More information: crous-bfc.fr/aides-sociales/les-differents-types-daides-financieres