Fermeture estivale de l’UFR : du 22 juillet au 26 août 2024 inclus. 
🔗Infos rentrée 2024

Master Energy (EIPHI Graduate School)

EIPHI Program in Hydrogen, Energy, Energetic Efficiency

The program is focused on the integration of thermal, electrical and hydrogen-based systems in stationary and transportation applications, with the final aims of increased efficiency and of sustainable development. The students are strongly involved in experimental activities thanks to two unique platforms: FCLAB and EcoCampus. The program is organized in parallel with a joint degree with uFC and the final year of the engineering school UTBM. Two tracks are presented thereafter :

  • Electrical Energy
  • Thermal Energy and Engineering

Master Energy, Electrical Engineering (EE)

ENERGY EE is an EIPHI graduate School Master focusing on Research & Innovation in the field of Energy production and storage and management. Electrical energy is the main concern of this degree with a focus on hydrogen energy systems. Read more …


Master Energy, Thermal Engineering (TE)

ENERGY ITE is an EIPHI graduate School Master focusing on Research & Innovation in the field of thermal systems optimization and management. Experimentals technics and numerical simulations of multiphysics systems are at the heart of the program. At the end of the training you obtain an expertise in Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of renewable energy systems. Read more …

Key Information

Modes and duration Full time: 2 years, 120 ECTS credits        
Language of instruction English        
Grants Scholarships are awarded to high quality foreign student        
Tuition fees 243 €. See application procedure        
Student life contribution fees 92 €        
Application fees 0 €
Master Energy, Thermal Engineering (TE)

Contact: François Lanzetta

Master Energy, Electrical Engineering (EE)

Contact: David Bouquain


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